Companion Care Restroom!? What on earth does that mean? I wonder if it got the ridiculous name because of political correctness when referring to a family, or some kind of bad translation. Either way, it’s absurd. This is a bathroom. For a family. Family restroom. Done.
Links o’ Interest
Christmas spirit
Drawing a spiral portrait. Wow.
Occupy Wall Street fail
How did we get seven billion humans on earth anyways (estimated to have happened Oct 31, 2011)?
Ah, Vegas
Your band sucks
I thought that was metaphorical
The number seven responds to the rumors
Great Halloween costume
Mug shot of the week – read all the way to the end
What the doctors said
Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street. Good stats (particularly regarding “get a job!”)
Very misinformed
I don’t know much about Penn State. I’ve always liked and admired Joe Paterno. Yet, I find myself agreeing with this. Moral outrage, that’s what missing.
Harry Potter messes up
12 kinds of stock photos
Occupy Wall Street and Voting
I wonder what the voting participation rate is among the Occupy Wall Street crowd. Do you think it’s higher or lower than comparable cohorts?
After all, one answer to OWS is – why don’t you go out an elect candidates who will support your interests? If you want to increase corporate taxes (for example), why don’t you elect someone who will? Why don’t you run for office yourself? Wouldn’t all this be more effective than sleeping in the park?
Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn’t. Many of them would claim that the democratic process is so broken that it’s not worth it. Look at the marginalization of Dennis Kuchinik, Ron Paul, Howard Dean, etc. Any views not solidly in the mainstream are ignored. You cannot run for or hold office without corporate support and the quid pro quo that entails. You can’t fight the system.
And yet, I think for many that is an excuse. My guess is that the OWS people by and large choose to avoid the democratic system. I wonder if I’m right?
I agree with this blogger, who thinks that compulsory voting would be the best thing for OWS. Along the same line of thought, National Voting Day and the National Popular Vote movement. Or indeed any kind of systemic reform that makes it easier for citizens, (particular poor ones) to vote, or makes their votes worth more than they are today. It is no accident that the GOP so stridently objects to the census using statistical measures, and fights so hard to make voting difficult.
I’m Done with The Simpsons
It had to happen sometime. It’s just not funny anymore. I cancelled the season pass on TiVo.
Meet the Newest Addtion to the Family
I Could go for Some Knapps Right About Now.
Seriously. It would really hit the spot.
More Journalistic Innumeracy
I suppose I’m demanding too much of our local paper. But this bugs me.
11/11/11 is very special to two boys and two moms
Friday will have a date that occurs only once in a century: 11/11/11. Besides being the title of a movie thriller debuting this week, these numbers have significance for many people throughout the world.
It is unarguably true that 11/11/11 happens only once a century. On the other hand, so does 11/10/11. And 11/11/12. Every day of the century, represented this way, happens exactly once per century. That’s the whole point of the mm/dd/yy system, if the same mm/dd/yy meant more than one day it would defeat the whole point. Does it have significance for many people throughout the world? Probably. But it shouldn’t.
Notice that Scott Adams has done something clever here. This joke was not about the typical Y2K scare. The joke couldn’t be based on that, because that was a logical fear, given uncertainty about the technology that used timestamps. So he had to change the topic to have Dogbert claim the world would end, which didn’t match the real fears at the time.
Underlying this post is the idea of separating out numerical features of the measurement system, as opposed to numerical features of the underlying reality. A day is a day, no matter what system we use to indicate it. Daylight savings time does not actually change when the sun rises. A Mayan calender system than runs out in 2012 does not mean the actual world ends. And so on. The world is the world, no matter how we measure it. Features of the measurement system do not change the reality underneath.
Quick Update: I just found an old post on much the same topic.
Links o’ Interest
Zach get out-Zach’d. You know about Between Two Ferns, right?
Is the NBA just millionaires vs billionaires? Did you know that 60% of NBA players declare bankruptcy within five years of retirement?
A whole section for this!?
A batch of great old photos. And some more.
The Declining Hotness of Flight Attendants
Boy balances ball on fountain
Baby doesn’t understand why their magazine doesn’t work (like an IPad)
I love leaves so much!!
The truth behind Garfield.
I have to agree with this sentiment.
Great Halloween pumpkin
On religion’s place in US History
How to present to Jeff Bezos at Amazon
Fan dressed as referee stops game, fights break out
How to announce a vacation trip
How to make money off your viral video
A few Occupy Wall Street related links (which Muttroxia supports):
Bill Maher explains why Occupy Wall Street will win
Ken Jennings on the 99%
Where are you in the seven billion people on earth?
Here’s what the “99%” are mad about.
Rewarding Charity
This is the way you do a “Thank you for your donation”
Makes a man feel good to help out.
Poker Update
I haven’t posted much about poker because there isn’t much to say. Full Tilt got shut down, we don’t have as many local games, and not much new to say. I’ve also been playing badly and who wants to blog how bad they are? Not me!
The last few outings I’ve lost money for the same reason each time. I make the read that someone has me beat, but talk myself into calling. Getting away from the other guy’s monster hand is vital and I’m not doing it.
Last night I was playing very tight. Four times around the table, I hadn’t raised once, I had played past the flop only once. Finally I got a playable hand: A-J suited. I put in a standard raise. The next player re-raised and I called. The flop was J-x-x. I bet with top pair. He re-raised. Hrm. Time to think this through…
- I normally can’t read him very well.
- He bluffs, but when he does his bluffs are big ones. His re-raise is big, but not big enough. The bet isn’t scaling up enough compared to the pot size – not enough to scare someone off. It doesn’t feel like his usual bluffs.
- The pre-flop bet was roughly a quarter of his stack. The post-flop bet is the same. If he continues at this bet pattern, he’ll have put in all his money.
Conclusion: He’s betting enough to milk the pot. He has Queens, Kings, or Aces. Maybe trips. I’m beat.
Stupid brain tricks: But maybe he doesn’t! I should call him.
I call him. And call his identical bet on the turn. And am not surprised when he turns over pocket aces for the win.
Variants of this have happened in the last few outings. I’ve lost patience and self-discipline at the table.
Elizabeth Warren
This is priceless.
Rick Perry and Race
How does this not completely destroy him?
In the early years of his political career, Rick Perry began hosting fellow lawmakers, friends and supporters at his family’s secluded West Texas hunting camp, a place known by the name painted in block letters across a large, flat rock standing upright at its gated entrance.
“Niggerhead,” it read.
Or this?
Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, who often waxes nostalgic about his small-town roots, grew up in an almost all-white rural area where many referred to slingshots as “niggershooters.” One elderly black resident recalls being introduced by her boss at a party decades back as “my maid, Nigger Mae Lou,”
But somehow he has.
Even his fiercest critics in Texas say that racism is not on their short, or even long, list of Mr. Perry’s sins.
Ah, Texas!