Laundry Math

I was folding laundry for the kids. Because it was slowing me down so much I noticed that most of the shirts were inside out. Why is that? Is there any reason they should all be inside out? What are the odds of this happening randomly. Time to run some numbers.

33 shirts
24 or them inside out.
Probability of that (or worse happening)?

Two-tenths of one percent.

Conclusion: My kids hate me.

5 thoughts on “Laundry Math”

  1. I do all the laundry. So nyah!

    For the record, I’m aware that the kids just take their shirts off that way and that’s why they’re mostly inside out. But that’s not very funny now, it it?

    btriessl – You know why I like you? You’re like me, another 40 year old guy who still likes to wear tee-shirts all the time.

  2. Probability of a kid’s shirt being inside out: 73%

    Probability of Muttrox doing laundry (vs. Mrs. Muttrox): 7%


  3. it’s not random. it’s how the shirts come off…kind of like when you take off socks. speaking of socks, honestly, 1/3 of my pair of socks are missing. how is that possible? this has happened to be since my bachelor days, so can’t blame the wife or kids. what do you think oh great muttrox?

  4. Bill is right. When you’re a kid, you pull the shirt off over your head and it’s inside out. The chances of any shirts being right-side out were very low.

  5. What’s the big deal? You take the shirt off, it’s inside out. You can wash ’em inside out. T-shirts with decals _should_ be dried inside out. I just fold ’em and put ’em away inside out.

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