Nope, those Chinese gymansts are not 16. Who’ve thunk it? The interesting part is that there is nothing to be done about it. If China says they’re 16 that’s the end of the story. If we call China a liar we get nowhere.
Why do divers shower after every dive? To keep their muscles loose. What is the little jet of water at the side of the pool for? It creates small ripples that gives divers visual cues to see where the surface of the pool is.
Did you see the coverage about the weightlifter who turned his arm backwards? Good gory stuff.
I need to update my sport ranking system with a new criteria. To whatever degree a sport is judged on artistic merit, it isn’t a sport. Art is fine, but it isn’t sport. I tuned it to an equestarian event yesterday. There was no jumping and galloping or turning, it was just showing off the horses. Like a dog show — that’s an Olympic sport? Figure skating requires enormous athleticism but the costumes and the emoting take away from the sport. Likewise girls gymnastics with the little freaky dance moves in the middle of floor exercises and all the garbage with the ribbon. That ain’t sports. If you want to do that stuff, aim for this, not the Olympics.
Verily so.
THANK YOU – we were wondering why the divers shower, and why there little jet shoots into the pool You have answered all of our questions. You are a wise and kind being.