Deep Thoughts from a 4-year old

Us: No, dinosaurs aren’t monsters. Dinosaurs were real long ago. Now they are extinct.
Him: So the dinosaurs are all in heaven? The dinosaurs are in heaven. How do they fit? Maybe only the tops of their heads are in heaven, because they’re so big. A Tyrannosaurus wouldn’t fit at all. He would eat Jesus. I don’t like that dinosaur because he eats Jesus. He should be in jail. Why are dinosaurs in heaven if they eat Jesus?
Us: Good question. Maybe dinosaurs have their own heaven.
Him: Oh! Then all the dinosaurs would be there! Where is dinosaur heaven?
Us: Um… where is… um… hey, we’re almost home!
Him: I’ll bet it’s to the left. And they have someone who conducts dinosaur heaven. Is there a dinosaur Jesus?
Us: We’re home! Everyone out!

Here’s another one a few days later, after we let him have one toy at a garage sale.
Him: How long can I keep this for?
Us: Forever, it yours now.
Him: Forever!?
Us: Yes, we bought it.
Him: Forever? Even after I die? I can play with this after I die? I hope they let you take toys to heaven. I want to play with this toy in heaven!

One thought on “Deep Thoughts from a 4-year old”

  1. one of my favorite posts in some time. looking forward to moments such as this 🙂

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