Muttroxia: Best of 2009

Here are the best posts of 2009. The criteria? Whether I like ‘em.

And as always, massive amounts of interesting links. Just search for “Links o’ Interest” and start clicking away.

LinkedIn Abuse

I just removed my first connection from LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is not Facebook. I do not need to be informed when you are traveling to Puerto Rico, Augusta, or the bathroom. I don’t need to know about the endless societies you are joining. It’s for professional and career updates. You haven’t had one of those this year but you told everyone you were traveling to Vermont. You’re out!

Links o’ Interest

Why men shouldn’t write advice columns

This dubbing made me giggle.

Incredible one-shot lip dub with a whole high school. And it’s filmed backwards!

Tower explosion conspiracy


If I had one hour to live…

The Iron Man 2 trailer is out

The D.E.N.N.I.S. system really works

Guitar hero for Christmas – great idea.


Religion 101 final

The Morgan Freeman chain of command

Tape measure man!

Council of the Gods

Fight club

Greatest slap ever

The worst cover version ever.

That’s sad.

2009’s best celebrity candid photos

The psychology of menus

Round like a shot

Great best man prank, a twitter feed every time the newlyweds go at it.

House in action

How to use a cel phone

Time to grow up

Man appeals traffic ticket to Supreme Court, and wins

The human cost of unemployment, a photo story.

Checkbox raindrops

Fractal wrongness

Wall of knowledge

Neato video

NBA player ties shoes during a live play, holding the ball. Not one Bull tries to steal the ball.

A mathematically correct breakfast of linked bagel halves. I can’t wait to try this.

Racetrack stoopers

Links o’ Interest

Darth Vader’s diary

The Muppets cover Bohemian Rhapsody


The dangers of a local Twitter feed

Man marries a videogame

Unrelated captions

The earth with rings. The cool part starts at 1:00

Spinal Tap and Engineers

Shark with people teeth

Do Re Mi

Gay-bashing woman humiliated for hideous skirt

Um, that’s not what really happened

Those are some strong magnets

Maybe putting social tagging on out customer support site wasn’t such a good idea

Pray for our troops

Minimum wage machine

Dinosaur t-shirts. My favorite one.

One queen, 11 presidents

Paintless Coke cans

PhoneBooks made me smile

Goodnight Keith Moon

The Office is over

My dad is.. Charles Manson?

A good argument against cloning

Spam defense

Swimming basketball player

Emo superheros

Devin Hesters ass

Bill Gates
takes a support call

Neil Young with a groundbreaking classic

The space shuttle at the exact second it breaks the sound barrier

Links o’ Interest

Billy Madison lives on (go to page 2)

Statutary rape

You can’t afford to be skinny… ah, it was a different time.

Selection bias: Why your friends have more friends than you

35 Interesting Science Fair Experiments

101 best music videos of this decade

Miracle Whip vs. Colbert

Enough clips of kids welcoming back their soldier Dads. What about the dogs!?

Dear Blockbuster member:

Joackim Noah critic eats his words. Literally.

Make me mighty!

Unclear on the concept: Hit the Bitch

Diplomacy meets soccer

How to play piano like Philip Glass

Hacked Roombas used to play Pacman

AMA changes its stance on medical marijuana, wants research

Even worse than Twilight: The Stephanie Meyer comic book

Pulp Fiction theme played on guitar and pencils

The making of a solider. Two years of photos of a young man becoming a solider.

Pictures from Afghanistan

Beijing’s underground city

Poker Update (it’s a good one):

Thanks to a nut flush and trips and not playing many hands, at one hour in I have 7,000 in chips (avg is 5000).

We’re at 100-200. With two raisers to 600 in front of me, I have a pair of 10s. I think the correct play here is raising, but I just call. Both blinds call. There is already 3,000 in the pot.

The flop is 10-J-Q. Hey, I hit my trips! But those are some scary cards. And the player two positions to my right instantly goes all in for 2,800. The player to my right calls the all-in. Ugh. It seems obvious that at least one of them has K-A for the high straight. Maybe pocket Jacks or Queens. I should fold, right?

Not so fast. If another Jack or Queen comes out, I have a full house. There’s around a 24% of that. It would cost me 2,800 into a pot of 8,600. I call. And it’s a good thing I did, the turn is another 10! I have four 10s! I have about 3,500 left in chips. I bet 1,800, which I think was the exact right amount to get a call, and then my all-in on the river is called. Boy, those were some fun cards to turn over! You don’t see quads very often, right?

On the very next hand, the player to my right gets four nines. Wow.

Four hands later I call a min-raise with pocket 3s. The flop is 2-3-x. There’s already 1,600 in the pot. Naturally I raise, I bet 1,000. I’m called. The turn is — yes, you guessed it — another 3. I have four of a kind with 3s. This is just ridiculous. Someone makes a comment about how Muttrox probably has quads again, and I completely lose my poker face. Half my mouth is twisted up, the other half is twisted down, my legs are bouncing all around, I can’t contain myself. Fortunately the person deciding whether to call me doesn’t know me well. I think he thought all my antics were to cover up a stone cold bluff. He called. On the river I went all-in. This time he folded. The table reaction to another four of a kind was priceless.

What an hour I had. Two hands later I had pocket 6s. Before the flop showed I was already deciding how to bet my set, I had no doubt that another 6 would come up. It did.

The rest was ordinary poker. I was monster stack, other people caught up, I got low, I won a coin flip (my K-10 paired up vs pocket 5s), found myself in heads up against a relative amateur. He didn’t raise my big blind with 5-2. The flop was 3-4-5, the Ace on the turn gave me the win.

Whoo. That was a crazy night. I played well, but with those cards coming it didn’t even matter how I played it.

Tonight: $145 ($25 buy in, $150 for first place, $20 in bounties)

That Patriots Game

This guy says it well:

The game was really lost in the third quarter. It is not hard to fathom that the defense would wear down in the final quarter, but when it happened, the Patriots should have had a bigger cushion on the scoreboard. The Maroney fumble was the most devastating play in the game for the Patriots, not the fourth down play or any other missed coverage in the fourth quarter. The Patriots did a great job in containing Manning and his offense for three quarters, but had nothing left for the fourth quarter and could not withstand the final assaults in the end.

On two straight possesions, the Pats turned it over in the endzone. Brady’s interception was forgiveable, Maroney’s fumble was not. If either of those had converted into even a field goal the Patriots would have held on to win.

The 4th and 2? I think it was a reasonable gamble. Getting another 40 yards out of a punt means little against the Colts offense. If the Pats get one more first down the game is over. A gamble it was, but I think it was an okay one. Not to mention that Faulk got the first down. But there is no automatic review at that point and there was no way to challenge the call.

Maroney. What happened to that guy? Every time he touched the ball you knew exactly where he was going. He has no sense of misdirection anymore. When he came into the league he would change direction with one smooth step. Now he dances himself to a full halt and accelerates in the other direction. That takes too long in this league. He can’t run people down anymore, he can’t get around them, he can’t get through them. What happened?

More on the 4th and 2 here. I agree.

You’d have to expect the Colts had a better than 30 percent chance of scoring from their 34, and an accordingly higher chance to score from the Pats’ 28. But any adjustment in their likelihood of scoring from either field position increases the advantage of going for it. You can play with the numbers any way you like, but it’s pretty hard to come up with a realistic combination of numbers that makes punting the better option.

More Updates:
Him and him concur.

A Bit About Healthcare

I try to follow the healthcare stuff. I read a lot. My father is an expert, my wife knows a fair amount, I’m good at economics. And yet it’s nearly impossible to understand it. There are too many threads.

It’s because prices aren’t transparent. No, it’s because of fee for service instead of fee for health. No, it’s because of corrupt medical-insurance-governmental relationships. No, it needs tort reform. No, it’s because of innovative treatments. No, it’s treating ordinary transactions as insurance. No, it’s the lack of universal coverage. No, it’s the public option. No matter what thread you pull on, it’s connected to everything else.

That saiid, it’s obvious that this has something to do with it. Scroll through slides 5-26. Go ahead and do it. It’s amazing.
