(I didn’t see it in the theatres. I caught the last half on TV last night.)
Obi Wan and Darth Vader fight to the death, jumping around the molten mine planet of something-or-other. Darth leaps up, Obi Wan chops off his legs with the light saber. Instead of killing him (everyone else dies when you touch them with a light saber), it slices off his legs. Vader pitifully tries to squirm his way up the hill which is slowly sinking into the molten steel below. Obi Wan pontificates. Vader doesn’t make it. His legs slip into the inferno, and he catches on fire. What does Obi Wan do? Pontificates some more, and then walks away, leaving Vader to a long, horrible demise.
Jedi are the good guys, right?
Most people don’t die when you stick them with lightsabers. Remember in STAR WARS when Obi Wan cuts the guy’s arm off in the cantina? He didn’t die. Darth Maul got cut in half. I think it depends on whether you stick them in the heart or not.
Yeah, that bit always struck me as odd too.
That said…
I really suggest reading the novelization. I never read these things, but I was so underwhelmed by the prequel movies, and was So sure that there was more to it, that I had to read them.
I don’t recall much about the first two (though they do give you a great deal more information and alot of things make much more sense), but the 3rd one was just a plain old realy fun read.
I loved the author’s style and Annakin’s story does become a real tragedy. It was, at times, just painfully sad.
I seriously suggest it.