Links o’ Interest

The Muttrox clan and one our main commenters will are on vacation through July 5th or so. Enjoy the links!

The death of Michael Jackson, 1, 2, and 3.

When good bananas go bad: A banana scaring people.

More fun with Facebook: They pimp your wife

Twitter Creator On Iran: ‘I Never Intended For Twitter To Be Useful’

Darwin award nominee(s)

Funny I-phone

WWII propaganda posters for the modern era

Before they were heavy: high school photos of heavy metalars

Beginner shredding to Eric Clapton. Explore the related videos for more.

Well this is awkward: journalism restraining order

Online journalism, then and now

Hazard sign

The first car made in Detroit after the government takeover.

Hiding pregnancies
on TV

Your eyes cheat your brain: incredible optical illusion

Real 60-foot Gundam statue erected in Japan. And it moves.

Statistical evidence that the Iranian election was stolen. This analysis reminds me of Benford’s Law, which can be used in similar ways. (I can’t find the link, but some smartass did the same thing to New Hampshire result in 2008 and saw similar oddities.)

Fox News does seem to have a problem identifying party affiliation

Rapist goes back decades later to ask forgiveness. Interesting view on rape in South Africa.

The 897 greatest musical artists. I really liked this list, and not just because The Who are at #9. It feels right.

A Tale of Two Houses: An Inconvenient Truth

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