The covers for W’s briefings. Scary. Rumsfeld starting putting these Bible quotes on the covers of briefings to reinforce his points with the religiously inclined Bush.
Go Montana go!
Butterfly wish
It’s official. No one cares about your garage band
This math was not needed.
Very harsh roommate confession
Play them off Keyboard Cat!: Unlucky child, Dick Cheney, and Steven Colbert.
I smell funny business
I found this far too funny
Great Governator quotes (scroll to end):
Beer pong ringers
Taking Alice in Wonderland to the next level
One difference between the USA and Britain.
An interesting digital clock made of 24 analog clocks
Why curveballs work. Amazing illusion.
Jesse Ventura: “You give me a waterboard, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I’ll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders.”
Inside one of Randi’s tests for psychics.