Let me know if you follow this blog with any RSS feed, particularly Google. I got hacked somewhere along the way. I am looking for more information about the hacking.
Among other measures I just deleted a bunch of weird user accounts. If you can’t log in, that’s why. Just set up a new account, or let me know via email and I’ll set one up for one.
There’s some more steps I need to take, but they are a technical challenge to me, so I’ll see if the basic first steps I’ve taken.
I have a bunch of weird user accounts on my blog, and I’m going to delete them now! Thanks for sharing and sorry to hear about your hacking issues.
I got hacked several months back. Wasn’t TOO bad, just had to re-up my themes, mostly.
On the plus side, I upgraded to 2.8.4 last week, which appears immune.
Still spams Google RSS.
you need to upgrade wordpress. See this: http://developers.slashdot.org/story/09/09/05/2210237/Wordpressorg-Warns-of-Active-Worm-Hacking-Blogs